The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Details for:
World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
(2010), copyright © The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in):
Regnum -
Divisio -
Subdivisio -
Class -
Superordo -
Ordo -
-- select area --
Albania: Al
Algeria: Ag
Austria, with Liechtenstein: Au
Azores: Az
Baleares: Bl
Baltic countries (Es + La + Lt + Rf(K)): Bt
Belarus: By
Belgium, with Luxembourg: Be
Bulgaria: Bu
Canary Islands: Ca
Corsica: Co
Crete and Karpathos island groups: Cr
Cyprus: Cy
Czechoslovakia (former; now Cs + Sk): Cz
Denmark (without Fa): Da
East Aegean Islands: AE
Egypt (without Sn): Eg
Egypt: Sinai: Sn
Finland: Fe
France, with Channel Islands and Monaco (without Co): Ga
Germany: Ge
Greece (without Cr and AE(G)): Gr
Greece: Greek East Aegean Islands , incl. Kastellorizo: AE(G)
Hungary: Hu
Ireland with N Ireland: Hb
Israel & Jordan: IJ
Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City (without Sa and Si(S)): It
Lebanon and Syria: LS
Libya: Li
Madeira archipelago: Md
Morocco, with Spanish territories: Ma
Netherlands: Ho
Norway (without Sb): No
Poland: Po
Portugal (without Az, Md, and Sg): Lu
Romania: Rm
Russia: European part: Rf
Russia: European part, central: Rf(C)
Russia: European part, east: Rf(E)
Russia: European part, northwest: Rf(N)
Russia: European part, northwest: Rf(NW)
Russia: European part, northwest: Rf(N)
Russia: European part, northwest: Rf(NW)
Russia: European part, northwest: Rf(N)
Russia: European part, northwest: Rf(NW)
Russia: European part, south: Rf(S)
Russia: northern Caucasus: Rf(CS)
Sardinia: Sa
Sicily and Malta: Si
Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (without Bl and Ca): Hs
Sweden: Su
Switzerland: He
Transcaucasia (Ab+Ar+Gg): Tcs
Tunisia: Tn
Turkey (without AE (T)): Tu
Turkey: Asian part (Anatolia): Tu(A)
Turkey-in-Europe, incl. Gökçeada: Tu(E)
Ukraine: Uk
Ukraine (without Crimea): Uk(U)
Ukraine: Crimea: Uk(K)
United Kingdom (excl. Channel Islands and Hb(N)): Br
Yugoslavia (former; now: BH + Cg + Ct + Mk + Sl + Sr): Ju
Included taxa:
Ambrosina Bassi
Arisarum Mill.
Arum L.
Biarum Schott
Calla L.
Colocasia Schott
Dracunculus Mill.
Eminium Schott
Helicodiceros Schott
Lysichiton Schott
Pistia L.
Zantedeschia Spreng.