Area abbreviations:
AEEast Aegean Islands EgEgypt LuPortugal
AgAlgeria GaFrance MaMorocco
AlAlbania GrGreece MeMalta
AnAsiatic Turkey HsSpain RKCrimea
BlBalearic Islands IJIsrael and Jordan SaSardinia
BuBulgaria ItItaly SiSicily
CoCorsica JuJugoslavia SnSinai
CrCrete and Karpathos LiLibya TnTunisia
CyCyprus LSLebanon and Syria TuTurkey-in-Europe
Explanation of symbols
  In front of a name
E endemic X xenophyte ? doubtful taxon or synonym
Geographical data (e.g. Lu)
Lu present as a native (-Lu) absent but reported in error ?Lu doubtfully present
dLu doubtfully native †Lu (presumably) extinct [aLu] casual alien
[nLu] naturalized [pLu] possibly naturalized alien [?Lu] doubtfully present as alien