Source: |
Domina, G. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2010+): Orobanche. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).
Name: |
Orobanche minor Sm.
Nomencl. ref.: |
Engl. Bot.: t. 422. 1797 |
Rank: |
Species |
Status: |
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): |
Regnum - Plantae
Divisio - Tracheophyta
Subdivisio - Spermatophytina
Class - Magnoliopsida
Superordo - Asteranae
Ordo - Lamiales
Familia - Orobanchaceae Vent.
Genus - Orobanche L.
Heterotypic synonyms:
Orobanche bovei Reut. |
Orobanche concolor Duby |
Orobanche crithmi Bertol. |
Orobanche crithmi-maritimi F. W. Schultz |
Orobanche euglossa Rchb. f. |
Orobanche grisebachii Reut. |
Orobanche hyalina Reut. |
Orobanche livida Freyn |
Orobanche nudiflora Wallr. |
Orobanche palaestina Reut. |
Orobanche pumila Rchb. f. |
Orobanche pyrrha Rchb. f. |
Orobanche salisii Reut. |
Orobanche unicolor Boreau |
Orobanche minor subsp. bovei (Reut.) J. A. Guim. |
Orobanche minor subsp. grisebachii (Reut.) Nyman |
Orobanche minor subsp. salisii (Reut.) Rouy |
Orobanche minor subsp. unicolor (Boreau) Rouy |
Misapplied names:
"Orobanche barbata" sec. COUTINHO, A. X. P. - Flora de Portugal (ed. 2/R. T. PALHINHA). Bertrand, Lisboa, 1939. [1]-938. |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. CUÉNOD, A., G. POTTIER-ALAPETITE & A. LABBE - Flore analytique et synoptique de la Tunisie. Office de l'expérimentation et de la vulgarisation agricoles de Tunisie, Tunis, 1954. Cryptogames vasculaires, gymnospermes et monocotylédones: [1]-39, [i], [1]-287. |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. FIORI, A. - Nuova flora analitica d'ltalia (ed. 2). S.n., Firenze, 1923-1929. 1/1: [1]-160. 1923 (mars); 1/2: 161-320. 1923 (juil.); 1/3: 321-480. 1923 (déc.); 1/4: 481-640. 1924 (mai), 1/5: 641-800. 1924 (nov.); 1/6: 801-944, [I]-[VIII]. 1925 (mars); 2/1: [1]-160. 1925 (juil.); 2/2: 161-320. 1926 (janv.); 2/3: 321-480. 1926 (juil.); 2/4: 481-640. 1927 (fév.); (... -> notes) |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. JAHANDIEZ, E. & R. MAIRE - Catalogue des plantes du Maroc. Minerva, Lechevalier, Alger, 1931-1934. 1: [I]-XL, [1]-[160]. 1931; 2: [vi], [161]-[558]. 1932; 3: [LI]-LVII, [i], [559]-[914]. 1934; [4: (= suppl.) - 16]. |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. NÈGRE, R. - Petite flore des régions arides du Maroc occidental. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1961-1962. 1:[1]]-413. 1961; 2: [1]-566. 1962 |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. OZENDA, P. - Flore du Sahara (ed. 2). Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1977. [1]-622. |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. QUÉZEL, P. & S. SANTA - Nouvelle flore de l'Algérie et des régions désertiques méridionales. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1962-1963. 1: [1]-413. 1962; 2: [1]-566. 1963. |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. SAMPAIO, G. - Flora portuguesa (ed. 2/A. PIRES DE LIMA). Imprensa Moderna, Porto, "1946" [1947]. [I]-XLIII, [i], [1]-792. |
"Orobanche barbata" sec. WILLKOMM, H. M. & J. M. C. LANGE - Prodromus florae hispanicae. E. Schweizerbart (E. Koch), Stuttgartiae, 1861-1880. 1/1: [I]-VIII, 1-192. 1861; 1/2: [IX]-XXX, 193-316. 1862 [janv.-mars); 2/1: 1-272. 1865 (déc.); 2/2: 273-480. 1868 (janv.-sept.); 2/3: 481-680. 1870 (janv.-juil.); 3/1: 1-240. 1874 (juil.); 3/2: 241-512. 1877 (janv.-mars); 3/3: 513-736. 1878 (janv.-oct.); (... -> notes) |
Taxon Notes: |
A previously existing concept or misapplied name relation between Orobanche barbata sec. COUTINHO, A. X. P. - Flora de Portugal (ed. 2/R. T. PALHINHA). Bertrand, Lisboa, 1939. [1]-938. and Orobanche minor Sm. sec. Euro+Med PlantBase 2010. has been cut when inactivating this taxon.
A previously existing concept or misapplied name relation between Orobanche barbata sec. CUÉNOD, A., G. POTTIER-ALAPETITE & A. LABBE - Flore analytique et synoptique de la Tunisie. Office de l'expérimentation et de la vulgarisation agricoles de Tunisie, Tunis, 1954. Cryptogames vasculaires, gymnospermes et monocotylédones: [1]-39, [i], [1]-287. and Orobanche minor Sm. sec. Euro+Med PlantBase 2010. has been cut when inactivating this taxon.
A previously existing concept or misapplied name relation between Orobanche barbata sec. FIORI, A. - Nuova flora analitica d'ltalia (ed. 2). S.n., Firenze, 1923-1929. 1/1: [1]-160. 1923 (mars); 1/2: 161-320. 1923 (juil.); 1/3: 321-480. 1923 (déc.); 1/4: 481-640. 1924 (mai), 1/5: 641-800. 1924 (nov.); 1/6: 801-944, [I]-[VIII]. 1925 (mars); 2/1: [1]-160. 1925 (juil.); 2/2: 161-320. 1926 (janv.); 2/3: 321-480. 1926 (juil.); 2/4: 481-640. 1927 (fév.); (... -> notes) and Orobanche minor Sm. sec. Euro+Med PlantBase 2010. has been cut when inactivating this taxon.
A previously existing concept or misapplied name relation between Orobanche barbata sec. JAHANDIEZ, E. & R. MAIRE - Catalogue des plantes du Maroc. Minerva, Lechevalier, Alger, 1931-1934. 1: [I]-XL, [1]-[160]. 1931; 2: [vi], [161]-[558]. 1932; 3: [LI]-LVII, [i], [559]-[914]. 1934; [4: (= suppl.) - 16]. and Orobanche minor Sm. sec. Euro+Med PlantBase 2010. has been cut when inactivating this taxon.
A previously existing concept or misapplied name relation between Orobanche barbata sec. OZENDA, P. - Flore du Sahara (ed. 2). Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1977. [1]-622. and Orobanche minor Sm. sec. Euro+Med PlantBase 2010. has been cut when inactivating this taxon. |
Common names: |
erva toira menor (Portuguese), erva-toira-menor (Portuguese), rabo de lobo (Spanish, Castillian)[Credits] |
Maps: |
distribution |
Occurrence: |
● Ab(A) AE(G) Ag Al Au(A L) Be(B) †Be(L) BH Bl(M N) Br Bu Ca(C F H L P) Cg Co Cr Ct Cy Eg Ga(C F M) Ge Gg(A D G) Gr He Ho Hs(G S) Hu Ir It Jo Le Li Lu Ma Md(D M P) Mo Po Rm Sa Si(M S) Sk Sl Sr Sy Tn Tu(A E) Uk(K) [nAz(J L M S T) Cs Da nHb(E) Hb(N) Su] |