73000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Occurrence details for: Rumex tuberosus subsp. horizontalis
Source: Uotila, P. (2017): Polygonaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

Name: Rumex tuberosus subsp. horizontalis (K. Koch) Rech. f.
Nomencl. ref.: in Candollea 12: 31. 1949
Rank: Subspecies
Ab Azerbaijan native Calculated
Ab(A) Azerbaijan native Reference
Ab(N) Nakhichevan native Reference
AE East Aegean Islands native Reference
Ar Armenia native Reference
Cy Cyprus native: reported in error Reference
Gg Georgia native Calculated
Gg(D) Adzaria native Reference
Gg(G) Georgia native Reference
Gr Greece native Reference
Mo Moldova native: reported in error Reference
Rf The Russian Federation native Calculated
Rf(CS) North Caucasus native Reference
Rf(S) South European Russia native: reported in error Reference
Tcs Transcaucasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia) native Calculated
Tu Turkey native Calculated
Tu(A) Asiatic Turkey native Reference
Uk(K) Crimea native: reported in error Reference
Uk(U) Ukraine native: reported in error Reference