85000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Details for: Trifolium tomentosum
Source: ILDIS World Database of Legumes 2010. (copyright © ILDIS).

Name: Trifolium tomentosum L.
Nomencl. ref.: Sp. Pl.: 771. 1753
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Regnum - Plantae
     Divisio - Tracheophyta
          Subdivisio - Spermatophytina
               Class - Magnoliopsida
                    Superordo - Rosanae
                         Ordo - Fabales Bromhead
                              Familia - Fabaceae Lindl.
                                   Tribus - Trifolieae
                                        Genus - Trifolium L.
Synonyms: Amoria tomentosa (L.) Roskov
Galearia tomentosa (L.) C. Presl
Trifolium curvisepalum Täckh.
Comments: The records from Gruzia
Common names: Amoriya Voilochnaya (Russian), Klever Voilochnovolosistyi (), siempreviva (Catalan), siempreviva (Spanish, Castillian), trebo (Galician), trébol (Catalan), trébol (Spanish, Castillian), trébol siempreviva (Spanish, Castillian), trèbol siempreviva (Spanish, Castillian), trevo (Portuguese), trevo cotanilhozo (Portuguese), trèvol (Catalan), trévol pelut (Majorcan), trèvol tomentós (Catalan), trèvol vellutat (Catalan), Woolly Clover (English), Woolly Trefoil ()[Credits]
Conservation Status: Not Threatened
Maps: distribution
Occurrence: Ab(A) AE(G) Ag Al Az Bl Ca Co Cr Cy Eg Ga(F) Gg(A) Gr Hs(S) Ir It Jo Ju Le Lu Ma Md Sa Si(M S) Sn Sy Tn Tu(A E)
Use: Forage