71000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Occurrence details for: Stipa holosericea
Source: Valdés, B. & Scholz, H.; with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G. (2009): Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

Name: Stipa holosericea Trin.
Nomencl. ref.: in Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math. 1: 81. 1831
Rank: Species
Ab Azerbaijan native Calculated
Ab Azerbaijan native Calculated
Ab(A) Azerbaijan native Calculated
Ab(A) Azerbaijan native Reference
Ab(N) Nakhichevan native Calculated
AE East Aegean Islands native Calculated
AE East Aegean Islands native Calculated
AE(G) Greek East Aegean Islands native Reference
AE(G) Greek East Aegean Islands native Calculated
Ar Armenia native Calculated
Cr Kriti with Karpathos, Kasos & Gavdhos native Calculated
Cr Kriti with Karpathos, Kasos & Gavdhos native Reference
Cy Cyprus native Reference
Cy Cyprus native Calculated
Gr Greece native Calculated
Gr Greece native Reference
IJ Israel-Jordan native Calculated
Jo Jordan native Calculated
Le Lebanon native Calculated
LS Lebanon-Syria native Calculated
Sy Syria native Calculated
Tcs Transcaucasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia) native Calculated
Tcs Transcaucasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia) native Calculated
Tu Turkey native Calculated
Tu Turkey native Calculated
Tu(A) Asiatic Turkey native Reference
Tu(A) Asiatic Turkey native Calculated