71000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Details for: Alcea tabrisiana
Source: Valdés, B. (2011): Malvaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).

Name: Alcea tabrisiana (Boiss. & Buhse) Iljin
Nomencl. ref.: in Komarov, Fl. URSS 15: 98. 1949
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Regnum - Plantae
     Divisio - Tracheophyta
          Subdivisio - Spermatophytina
               Class - Magnoliopsida
                    Superordo - Rosanae
                         Ordo - Malvales Bercht. & J. Presl
                              Familia - Malvaceae Juss.
                                   Genus - Alcea L.
Basionym: Althaea tabrisiana Boiss. & Buhse
Homotypic synonyms: Althaea tabrisiana Boiss. & Buhse
Misapplied names: "Alcea flavovirens" sec. DAVIS, P. H. (ed.) - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1965-1985. 1: [x], 1-567. 1965; 2: [i]-xii, 1-581. 1967; 3: [i]-xvii, [iii], 1-628. 1970; 4: [i]-xviii, [ii], 1-657. 1972; 5: [i]-xviii, [ii], 1-890. 1975; 6: [i]-xviii, [ii], 1-825. 1978; 7: [i]-xx, [ii], 1-947. 1982; 8: [i]-xx, [ii], 1-632. 1984; 9: [i]-xx, [ii], 1-724. 1985.
Maps: distribution
Occurrence: Ab(A N) Ar Gg(G) Tu(A)