72000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Details for: Minuartia helmii
Source: Marhold, K. (2011): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).

Name: Minuartia helmii (Ser.) Schischk.
Nomencl. ref.: in Zap. Gosud. Nikitsk. Opytn. Bot. Sada 10: (2) 38. 1928
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Regnum - Plantae
     Divisio - Tracheophyta
          Subdivisio - Spermatophytina
               Class - Magnoliopsida
                    Superordo - Caryophyllanae
                         Ordo - Caryophyllales
                              Familia - Caryophyllaceae Juss.
                                   Genus - Minuartia L.