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Details for: Sorbus tianschanica

Search restricted to Pankhurst, R.: Rosaceae database, 2006   Check for other Sources using this name

Source: Pankhurst, R.: Rosaceae database, 2006

Name: Sorbus tianschanica Rupr.
Nomencl. ref. Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Pétersbourg, Sér. 7, 14(4): 46. 1869
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Familia - Rosaceae Juss.
    Subfamilia - Maloideae (Small ex Britton & Small) C.Weber
        Tribus - Pomeae A.Gray
            Genus - Sorbus L.
Included taxa: Sorbus tianschanica f. aurantiacorosea Bugaev
Sorbus tianschanica f. flava Gan & Bugaev
Sorbus tianschanica f. guttiformis Bugaev
Sorbus tianschanica f. sanguinea Bugaev
Sorbus tianschanica f. violaceocarminata Bugaev
Sorbus tianschanica var. integrifoliolata T.T.Yu
Sorbus tianschanica var. pulcherrima E.L.Wolf
Sorbus tianschanica var. tianschanica
Sorbus tianschanica var. tomentosa Chang Y.Yang & Y.L.Han
Synonym(s): Sorbus tapashana C.K.Schneid.
Name Notes: Name-Source: Sorbus & Rowans (2005)
SourceStatusDesignation: A

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This page last updated: Dienstag, 21. August 2007