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Details for: Sorbus domestica

Search restricted to Pankhurst, R.: Rosaceae database, 2005   Check for other Sources using this name

Source: Pankhurst, R.: Rosaceae database, 2005

Name: Sorbus domestica L.
Nomencl. ref. Sp. pl. 1, 477. 1753.
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Familia - Rosaceae Juss.
    Subfamilia - Maloideae C.Weber
        Tribus - Pomeae A.Gray
            Genus - Sorbus L.
Included taxa: Sorbus domestica f. domestica
Sorbus domestica f. maliformis (Kirchn. & J.Eichler) Hegi
Sorbus domestica f. piriforis (Kirchn. & J.Eichler) Hegi
Sorbus domestica f. pomifera (Hayne) Rehder
Sorbus domestica f. pyrifera (Hayne) Rehder
Sorbus domestica subtaxon albida Risso
Sorbus domestica subtaxon elongata Risso
Sorbus domestica subtaxon macrocarpa Risso
Sorbus domestica subtaxon maliformis Petz. & G.Kirchn.
Sorbus domestica subtaxon microcarpa Risso
Sorbus domestica subtaxon pyrifera Hayne
Sorbus domestica subtaxon serotina Risso
Sorbus domestica var. boissieri (C.K.Schneid.) Diap.
Sorbus domestica var. obtusata Diap.
Sorbus domestica var. pomifera Rehder
Sorbus domestica var. pyrifera Rehder
Synonym(s): Cormus domestica (L.) Spach
Pyrus domestica Ehrh.
Name Notes: Name-Source: List vasc. pl. Brit. Isles (1992)

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This page last updated: Dienstag, 21. August 2007