International Organization for Plant Information
Provisional Global Plant Checklist

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Details for: Murbeckiella boryi

Search restricted to ESFEDS Edinburgh, export date: May 11, 1996   Check for other Sources using this name

Source: ESFEDS Edinburgh, export date: May 11, 1996

Name: Murbeckiella boryi (Boiss.) Rothm.
Nomencl. ref. Bot. Not. 1939: 469 (1939)
Rank: Species
Synonym(s): Braya pinnatifida sensu Willk. pro parte
Murbeckiella glaberrima (Rothm.) Rothm.
Taxon Notes: C. & S. Spain, C. Portugal
Geography: Hs Lu
SourceHigherTaxon from IOPI: Cruciferae
SourceStatusDesignation: A

  © 1996-2007 The International Organization for Plant Information.
This page last updated: Dienstag, 21. August 2007