International Organization for Plant Information
Provisional Global Plant Checklist

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Details for: Plantago australis

Search restricted to Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru, download date: August 28, 1995   Check for other Sources using this name

Source: Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru, download date: August 28, 1995

Name: Plantago australis Lam.
Rank: Species
Included taxa: Plantago australis Lam. subsp. australis
Plantago australis subsp. hirtella (Kunth) Rahn
Plantago australis subsp. oreades (Decne.) Rahn
Plantago australis subsp. pflanzii (Pilg.) Rahn
Plantago australis subsp. sodiroana (Pilg.) Rahn
SourceHigherTaxon from IOPI: Plantaginaceae
SourceStatusDesignation: A

  © 1996-2007 The International Organization for Plant Information.
This page last updated: Dienstag, 21. August 2007