Details for: Calepina irregularis
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Source: ESFEDS Edinburgh, export date: May 11, 1996

Name: Calepina irregularis (Asso) Thell.
Nomencl. ref. in Schinz & R. Keller, Fl. Schweiz ed. 2, 1: 218 (1905)
Rank: Species
Synonym(s): Calepina corvini (All.) Desv.
Taxon Notes: S. Europe and parts of C. & W. Europe; naturalized elsewhere
Geography: Al Be Bu Co *Cr Ga Gr He *Ho Hs Hu It Ju Lu Rm Rs(K) Sa Si Tu [Au Ge]
SourceHigherTaxon from IOPI: Cruciferae
SourceStatusDesignation: A