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Details for: Cystopteris fragilis

Search restricted to R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998.   Check for other Sources using this name

Source: R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998.

Name: Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.
Nomencl. ref. Neues J. Bot. vol. 1(2), 27. 1805.
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Subregnum - Cormobionta
    Phylum - Pteridophyta
        Classis - Filicopsida
            Familia - Dryopteridaceae
                Genus - Cystopteris Bernh.
                    Aggregate - Cystopteris fragilis aggr.
Basionym: Polypodium fragile L.
Synonym(s): Aspidium dentatum (Sm.) Sw.
Aspidium fragile (L.) Sw.
Aspidium regium (L.) Sw.
Aspidium tenue Sw.
Aspidium trifidum Sw.
Athyrium dentatum (Sm.) Gray
Athyrium fragile (L.) Spreng.
Athyrium regium (L.) Spreng.
Cyathea anthriscifolia (Hoffm.) Roth
Cyathea cynapifolia (Hoffm.) Roth
Cyathea dentata Sm.
Cyathea fragilis (L.) Sm.
Cyathea incisa Sm.
Cyathea regia (L.) T. F. Forst.
Cyclopteris dentata (Sm.) Schrad. ex Gray
Cyclopteris fragilis (L.) Schrad. ex Gray
Cyclopteris regia (L.) Schrad. ex Gray
Cystea angustata (Hoffm.) Sm.
Cystea dentata (Sm.) Sm.
Cystea fragilis (L.) Sm.
Cystea regia (L.) Sm.
Cystopteris apiiformis Gand.
Cystopteris crispa (Gouan) H. P. Fuchs
Cystopteris dentata (Sm.) Desv.
Cystopteris orientalis Desv.
Cystopteris regia (L.) Desv.
Polypodium anthriscifolium Hoffm.
Polypodium crispum Gouan
Polypodium cynapifolium Hoffm.
Polypodium polymorphum Vill.
Polypodium regium L.
Cystopteris fragilis subsp. fragilis
Cystopteris fragilis subsp. huteri (Hausm. ex Milde) Prada & Salvo
Cystopteris fragilis var. huteri Hausm. ex Milde
Concept Synonym(s):  
  According to: BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.
  {} Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. sec. BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.
Name Notes: NR_NAME_ORIG: 27097 §

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This page last updated: Dienstag, 21. August 2007