Details for: Alchemilla
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Source: BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.

Name: Alchemilla L.
Nomencl. ref. Sp. Pl.
Rank: Genus
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Subregnum - Cormobionta
    Phylum - Angiospermae A. Braun & Doell
        Classis - Dicotyledonae DC.
            Subclassis - Rosidae Takht.
                Ordo - Rosales Lindley
                    Familia - Rosaceae Juss.
Included taxa: Alchemilla alpina aggr.
Alchemilla conjuncta aggr.
Alchemilla fissa aggr.
Alchemilla hybrida aggr.
Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm.
Alchemilla mollis aggr.
Alchemilla pentaphylla L.
Alchemilla pubescens Lam.
Alchemilla splendens aggr.
Alchemilla tyttantha
Alchemilla vulgaris aggr.
Concept Synonym(s):  
  According to: BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.
  {} Alchemilla L. sec. R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998.
  {} Alchemilla L. sec. Brummitt - Vascular Plant Families and Genera Kew 1992.
Trivial: Frauenmantel