Details for: Magnoliaceae
3 different source(s) use this name:

- Frodin, D. G. & Govaerts, R. 1996: World Checklist and Bibliography of Magnoliaceae. RBG Kew.
- BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.
- R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998.

Source: Frodin, D. G. & Govaerts, R. 1996: World Checklist and Bibliography of Magnoliaceae. RBG Kew. [IOPI preferred view]

Name: Magnoliaceae Juss.
Rank: Familia
Included taxa: Elmerrillia Dandy
Kmeria Dandy
Liriodendron L.
Magnolia L.
Michelia L.
Pachylarnax Dandy

Source: BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.

Name: Magnoliaceae Juss.
Rank: Familia
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Subregnum - Cormobionta
    Phylum - Angiospermae A. Braun & Doell
        Classis - Dicotyledonae DC.
            Subclassis - Magnoliidae Takht.
                Ordo - Magnoliales Bromhead
Included taxa: Liriodendron L.
Magnolia L.
Concept Synonym(s):  
  According to: BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.
  {} Magnoliaceae Juss. sec. R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998.
Trivial: Magnoliengewächse

Source: R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998.

Name: Magnoliaceae Juss.
Rank: Familia
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Subregnum - Cormobionta
    Phylum - Angiospermae A. Braun & Doell
        Classis - Dicotyledonae DC.
            Subclassis - Magnoliidae Takht.
                Ordo - Magnoliales Bromhead
Concept Synonym(s):  
  According to: BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.
  {} Magnoliaceae Juss. sec. BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.