International Organization for Plant Information
Provisional Global Plant Checklist

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Details for: Commelina

5 different source(s) use this name:

- Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent Countries as of 26.10.96
- USDA Plants Database, generated January 15, 1997
- BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.
- Greuter et al. - Names in Current Use for Extant Plant Genera Königstein 1993.
- Brummitt - Vascular Plant Families and Genera Kew 1992.

Source: Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent Countries as of 26.10.96

Name: Commelina
Rank: Genus
Included taxa: Commelina benghalensis L.
Commelina communis L.
SourceHigherTaxon from IOPI: Commelinaceae
SourceStatusDesignation: A

Source: USDA Plants Database, generated January 15, 1997

Name: Commelina L.
Rank: Genus
Included taxa: Commelina benghalensis L.
Commelina caroliniana Walt.
Commelina coelestis Willd.
Commelina communis L.
Commelina dianthifolia Delile
Commelina diffusa Burm. f.
Commelina erecta L.
Commelina forskaolii Vahl
Commelina nigritana Benth.
Commelina rufipes Seubert
Commelina tuberosa L.
Commelina virginica L.
Geography: US(AL, AZ, AR, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VT,
Reference in Source: For reference information check with USDA NRCS Plants Database at
SourceHigherTaxon from IOPI: Commelinaceae
SourceStatusDesignation: A

Source: BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.

Name: Commelina L.
Nomencl. ref. Sp. Pl.
Rank: Genus
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Subregnum - Cormobionta
    Phylum - Angiospermae A. Braun & Doell
        Classis - Monocotyledonae DC.
            Subclassis - Commelinidae Takht.
                Ordo - Commelinales Lindley
                    Familia - Commelinaceae R. Br.
Included taxa: Commelina communis L.
Concept Synonym(s):  
  According to: Brummitt - Vascular Plant Families and Genera Kew 1992.
  {} Commelina L. sec. Brummitt - Vascular Plant Families and Genera Kew 1992.

Source: Greuter et al. - Names in Current Use for Extant Plant Genera Königstein 1993.

Name: Commelina L.
Nomencl. ref. Sp. Pl.
Rank: Genus

Source: Brummitt - Vascular Plant Families and Genera Kew 1992.

Name: Commelina L.
Nomencl. ref. Sp. Pl.
Rank: Genus
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Familia - Commelinaceae R. Br.
Concept Synonym(s):  
  According to: Brummitt - Vascular Plant Families and Genera Kew 1992.
  {} Commelina L. sec. BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003.

  © 1996-2007 The International Organization for Plant Information.
This page last updated: Dienstag, 21. August 2007