75000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Occurrence details for: Adonis cretica
Source: Raab-Straube, E. von, Hand, R., Hörandl, E. & Nardi, E. (2014+): Ranunculaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

Name: Adonis cretica (Huth) Runemark
Nomencl. ref.: in Strid & Tan, Fl. Hellenica 2: 37. 2002
Rank: Species
AE(G) Greek East Aegean Islands native: reported in error Reference
Cr Kriti with Karpathos, Kasos & Gavdhos native Reference
Cr Kriti with Karpathos, Kasos & Gavdhos native Reference
EM Euro+Med endemic for EM Reference
Gr Greece native: reported in error Reference
IJ Israel-Jordan native: presence questionable Calculated
Ir Israel native: presence questionable Reference
It Italy native: reported in error Reference
Le Lebanon native: presence questionable Reference
LS Lebanon-Syria native: presence questionable Calculated
Sa Sardegna introduced: adventitious (casual) Reference
Sy Syria native: presence questionable Reference