74000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Occurrence details for: Canarina
Source: Castroviejo, S., Aldasoro, J. J. & Alarcón, M.; with contributions from Hand, R. (2010): Campanulaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

Name: Canarina L.
Nomencl. ref.: Mant. Pl.: 148, 225, 588. 1771
Nomencl. status: nom. cons.
Rank: Genus
Ca Canary Is. native Calculated
Ca(C) Gran Canaria native Calculated
Ca(G) Gomera native Calculated
Ca(H) Hierro native Calculated
Ca(P) La Palma native Calculated
Ca(T) Tenerife native Calculated