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Details for: Crepis sancta
Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
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Name: Crepis sancta (L.) Bornm.
Nomencl. ref.: in Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Vereins 30: 79. 1913
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Regnum - Plantae
     Divisio - Tracheophyta
          Subdivisio - Spermatophytina
               Class - Magnoliopsida
                    Superordo - Asteranae
                         Ordo - Asterales
                              Familia - Compositae Giseke
                                   Tribus - Cichorieae Lam. & DC.
                                        Genus - Crepis L.
Basionym: Hieracium sanctum L.
Homotypic synonyms: Andryala nemausensis Vill., nom. illeg.
Andryala nudicaulis Lam., nom. illeg.
Crepis nemausensis Gouan, nom. illeg.
Hieracium sanctum L.
Lagoseris alata Nyman, nom. illeg.
Lagoseris nemausensis M. Bieb., nom. illeg.
Lagoseris sancta (L.) K. Malý
Pterotheca nemausensis Cass., nom. illeg.
Pterotheca sancta (L.) K. Koch
Heterotypic synonyms: Crepis kochiana Boiss., nom. nov.
Crepis multicaulis K. Koch [non Ledeb. 1829]
Lagoseris bifida (Vis.) W. D. J. Koch
Pterotheca bifida (Vis.) Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Trichocrepis bifida Vis.
Crepis sancta subsp. bifida (Vis.) Babc.
Lagoseris sancta subsp. bifida (Vis.) Hayek
Misapplied names: "Lagoseris orientalis" sec. Rechinger, K. H. (1944[“1943”]) - Flora aegaea. Flora der Inseln und Halbinseln des Ägäischen Meeres - Denkschriften, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Vienna 105(1).
Included taxa: Crepis sancta subsp. nemausensis (P. Fourn.) Babc.
Crepis sancta subsp. obovata (Boiss. & Noë) Babc.
Common names: Crépide de Nîmes (French), Crépide sainte (French), Hasensalat (German), Helgonfibbla (Swedish), Radicchiella di Terrasanta (Italian), Shmangë e shenjtë (Albanian), Скерда палестинская (Russian), Четинеста дрипавка (Bulgarian), Զամբյուղախոտ պաղեստինյան (Armenian), ניסנית דו-קרנית (Israel (Hebrew)), נִיסָנִית דּוּ-קַרְנִית (Israel (Hebrew)), سَراغَة مُقَدَّسَة (Arabic)[Credits]
Maps: distribution
Occurrence: Ab(A N) AE(G T) Al Ar BH ?Bl Bu Cg Co Cr Ct Cy Eg Gg Gr Ir Jo Le Mk Rf(CS S) Rm Sl Sn Sr Sy Tu(A E) Uk(K U) [nBe(B L) Bl(M) aBr Ct aEs nGa(F) aGe nHe nHs(S) nIt aPo Rf(NW) nSa nSi(S)]