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Details for: Thelypteris palustris |
Source: |
Christenhusz, M. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2013): Polypodiopsida. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).
Name: |
Thelypteris palustris Schott
Nomencl. ref.: |
Gen. Fil.: t. 10. 1834 |
Rank: |
Species |
Status: |
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): |
Regnum - Plantae
Divisio - Tracheophyta
Subdivisio - Pteridophytina B. Boivin
Class - Polypodiopsida Cronquist & al.
Subclassis - Polypodiidae Cronquist & al.
Ordo - Polypodiales Bercht. & J. Presl
Familia - Thelypteridaceae Pic. Serm.
Genus - Thelypteris Schmidel
Homotypic synonyms:
Acrostichum thelypteris L. |
Aspidium thelypteris (L.) Sw. |
Dryopteris thelypteris (L.) A. Gray |
Lastrea thelypteris (L.) C. Presl |
Nephrodium thelypteris (L.) Strempel |
Polystichum thelypteris (L.) Roth |
Heterotypic synonyms:
Thelypteris thelypterioides subsp. glabra Holub |
Misapplied names:
"Thelypteris thelypterioides" sec. SMYTHIES, B. E. - Flora of Spain and the Balearic Islands. Checklist of vascular plants. Botanischer Garten und botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem, 1984-1986. 1: Englera 3(1): [I]-XXXIII, [i], 1-212. 1984; 2: l.c. 3(2): 213-486. 1984; 3: l.c. 3(3): 487-882. 1986. |
"Thelypteris thelypterioides" sec. Bolòs, O. de, Vigo, J., Masalles, R. M. & Ninot, J. M. - Flora manual dels països catalans Barcelona 1990. |
"Thelypteris thelypterioides" sec. Andreev, N., Ančev, M., Kožuharov, S. I., Markova, M., Peev, D. & Petrova, A. - Opredelitel na visšite rastenija v Bălgarija Nauka i izkustvo Sofija 1992. |
Common names: |
Fougère des marais (French), Marsh Fern (English), Polystic des marais (French), Polystic des marécages (French), Raithneach chorraigh (Irish Gaelic), Sumpffarn (German), Zachylnik błotny (Polish), Felce palustre (Italian), Fougère des marais (French), Harilik soosõnajalg (Estonian), Kær-Dunbregne (Danish), kapradiník bažinný (Czech), kärrbräken (Swedish), Marchredynen y Gors (Welsh), močvarna zelenika (Croat), močvirska krpača (Slovene), Moerasvaren (Dutch), myrtelg (Norwegian), Nerecznica błotny (Polish), nevaimarre (Finnish), Papradník močiarny (Slovak), parastā purvpaparde (Latvian), pelkinis papartuolis (Lithuanian), Sumpffarn (German), Sumpf-Lappenfarn (German), Thélyptère des marais (French), Thelyptéris des marais (French), Thélyptéris des marais (French), Thélyptéris des marécages (French), Tőzegpáfrány (Hungarian), Veshkëngjashmja e ligatinës (Albanian), Батдаг айыдөшәйи (Azerbaijan), Блатен телиптерис (Bulgarian), Мочварна папрат (Serbian), телиптерис болотний (Ukraine), телиптерис болотный (Russian), телиптерис де-балтэ (Moldovian), щитовник болотный (Russian)[Credits] |
Maps: |
distribution |
Occurrence: |
Ab(A) Ag Al Ar Au(A) †Au(L) Az Be(B L) BH Br Bu By Cg Co Cs Ct Da Es Fe Ga(F) Ge Gg(A D G) Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(S) Hu Ir It La -Le Lt Lu Ma Mk Mo No Po Rf(C CS E N NW S) Rm -Si(S) Sk Sl Sr Su Tu(A E) Uk(K U) |
Display software last updated: January 2011
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