Polystichum setiferum7500000 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
The Euro+Med PlantBase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity

Euro+Med Plantbase integrates and critically evaluates information from Flora Europaea, Med-Checklist, the Flora of Macaronesia, and from regional and national floras and checklists from the area as well as additional taxonomic and floristic literature. This is complemented by the European taxa of several families taken from the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families and of the Leguminosae from the International Legume Database and Information Service ILDIS (see credits for details). By 1st of February 2018 it provides access to the total European flora of vascular plants in 222 plant families.

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Details for: Polystichum setiferum

Source: Christenhusz, M. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2013): Polypodiopsida. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).

Name: Polystichum setiferum (Forssk.) Woyn.
Nomencl. ref.: in Mitt. Naturwiss. Vereines Steiermark 49: 181. 1913
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Regnum - Plantae
     Divisio - Tracheophyta
          Subdivisio - Pteridophytina B. Boivin
               Class - Polypodiopsida Cronquist & al.
                    Subclassis - Polypodiidae Cronquist & al.
                         Ordo - Polypodiales Bercht. & J. Presl
                              Familia - Dryopteridaceae Herter
                                   Genus - Polystichum Roth
Basionym: Polypodium setiferum Forssk.
Homotypic synonyms: Dryopteris setifera (Forssk.) Schinz. & Thell.
Polypodium setiferum Forssk.
Heterotypic synonyms: Aspidium angulare Willd.
Aspidium hastulatum Ten.
Polystichum angulare (Willd.) C. Presl
Aspidium aculeatum subsp. angulare (Willd.) Arcang.
Dryopteris aculeata subsp. angularis (Willd.) Schinz & R. Keller
Dryopteris setifera subsp. angularis (Willd.) Maire
Polystichum aculeatum subsp. angulare (Willd.) Vollm.
Misapplied names: "Aspidium aculeatum" sec. BOUCHARD, J. - Flore pratique de la Corse (ed. 3). Société des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de la Corse, Bastia, 1978 [Coll. Corse d'Hier et de Demain n° 7]. [1]-405.
"Aspidium aculeatum" sec. COSTE, H.- Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Paul Klincksieck, Paris, 1903-1906. 1/1: [1]-128. 1900 (25 juin); 1/2: [I]-XXXVI, 129-240. 1900 (21 nov.); 1/3-1: [1]-52, 241-304. 1901 (28 mars); 1/3-2: 305-416. 1901 (6 juil.); 2/1: [1]-96. 1903 (23 déc.); 2/2: 97-224. 1902 (24 déc.); 2/3: 225-352. 1903 (17 janv.); 2/4: 353-448. 1903 (12 mai); 2/5: 449-627. 1903 (17 août); (... -> notes)
"Aspidium aculeatum" sec. HALÁCSY, E. DE - Conspectus florae graecae. G. Engelmann, Lipsiae, 1900-1904. 1/1: [1]-224. 1900 (fév.); 1/2: 225-576. 1900 (oct.); 1/3: 577-825. 1901 (oct.); 2/1: [1]-256. 1902 (mars-avril); 2/2: 257-612. 1902 (oct.-nov.); 3/1: [1]-320. 1904 (mars); 3/2: 321-519, [I]-XXV. 1904 (oct.-nov.).
"Aspidium aculeatum" sec. HALÁCSY, E. DE - Supplementum conspectus florae graecae. G. Engelmann, Lipsiae, 1908. [ii], [1]-132.
"Aspidium aculeatum" sec. HALÁCSY, E. DE - Supplementum secundum conspectus florae graecae. Budapestini, 1912. Magyar Bot. Lapok 11: 114-202.
"Aspidium aculeatum" sec. KNOCHE, H. - Flora balearica. S.n., s.l., 1921-1923. 1: [1]-534. 1921; 2: [1]-585. 1922; 3: [I]-XV, [i], [1]-411. 1923; [4: 1923. excl.].
"Dryopteris aculeata" sec. BECK, G. & K. MALY - 2. - Flora Bosnae et Hercegovinae. Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1950. 4/1: Posebna Izd. Biol. Inst. Sarajevu 1: [1]-[73].
"Dryopteris aculeata" sec. BRIQUET, J. - Prodrome de la flore corse. H. Georg, Genève, Bâle & Lyon, 1910-1913. 1: [I]-LVI, [ii], [1]-656. 1910 (oct.); 2/1: [I]-IV, [1]-409, [ii]. 1913 (juin).
"Dryopteris aculeata" sec. CUÉNOD, A., G. POTTIER-ALAPETITE & A. LABBE - Flore analytique et synoptique de la Tunisie. Office de l'expérimentation et de la vulgarisation agricoles de Tunisie, Tunis, 1954. Cryptogames vasculaires, gymnospermes et monocotylédones: [1]-39, [i], [1]-287.
"Dryopteris aculeata" sec. MAIRE, R. & al. - Flore de l'Afrique du Nord. Lechevalier, Paris, 1952-... 1: [1]-366. 1952; 2: [1]-374. 1953; 3: [1]-399. 1955; 4: [1]-333. 1957; 5: [1]-307. 1958; 6: [1]-374. 1960; 7: [1]-329. 1961; 8: [1]-303. 1962; 9: [1]-300. 1963; 10: [1]-336. 1963; 11: [1]-335. 1964; 12: [1]-407. 1965; 13: [1]-365. 1967; 14: [1]-397. "1976" [1977]; 15: [1]-309. 1980; 16: [1]-302. 1987-...
"Dryopteris aculeata" sec. QUÉZEL, P. & S. SANTA - Nouvelle flore de l'Algérie et des régions désertiques méridionales. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1962-1963. 1: [1]-413. 1962; 2: [1]-566. 1963.
Common names: Fougère des fleuristes (French), Grannen-Schildfarn (German), Ibheag bhog (Irish Gaelic), Polystic à soies (French), Soft Shield-fern (English), Aspidium à cils raides (French), Borsten-Schildfarn (German), Borstiger Schildfarn (German), čekinjava papratnjača (Croat), Díszes vesepáfrány (Hungarian), falguera (Catalan), falguera borda (Catalan), falguera d´aigua (Catalan), falguera de jardí (Catalan), falguera maca (Catalan), falguera mosquera (Catalan), Felce setifera (Italian), fenta (Galician), fentanha (Galician), fentanha (Portuguese), fetanha (Portuguese), foguera (Catalan), foguera borda (Catalan), foguera d´aigua (Catalan), foguera de jardí (Catalan), foguera maca (Catalan), foguera mosquera (Catalan), foguera/fogueras (Catalan), garoa (Euskera), garra (Euskera), Grannen-Schildfarn (German), Gwrychredynen Feddal (Welsh), helecha (Spanish, Castillian), luskastodlakava podlesnica (Slovene), píjaro (Spanish, Castillian), polístic set`ifer (Catalan), polístic setífer (Catalan), Polistiku me qime (Albanian), Polystic à dents sétacées (French), Polystic à soies (French), Zachte naaldvaren (Dutch), багаторядник щетинконосний (Ukraine), Гыллы ҹəркəвəр (Azerbaijan), многорядник щетинконосный (Russian), многорядник щетиноносный (Russian), Четинест многоредник (Bulgarian), Шумска папратњача (Serbian)[Credits]
Maps: distribution
Occurrence: Ab(A) AE(G) Ag Al Au(A) Az(C F G J L M P S T) Be(B L) Bl(M) Br Bu Ca(G H P T) Cg Co Cr Ct Ga(C F) Ge Gg(A D G) Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(S) Hu It Lu Ma Md(M) Mk Rf(CS) Rm Sa Si(S) Sl Sr Tn Tu(A E) Uk(K)

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