Gypsophila muralis72000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Details for: Gypsophila muralis
Source: Marhold, K. (2011): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).

Name: Gypsophila muralis L.
Nomencl. ref.: Sp. Pl.: 408. 1753
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Regnum - Plantae
     Divisio - Tracheophyta
          Subdivisio - Spermatophytina
               Class - Magnoliopsida
                    Superordo - Caryophyllanae
                         Ordo - Caryophyllales
                              Familia - Caryophyllaceae Juss.
                                   Genus - Gypsophila L.
Synonyms: Gypsophila stepposa Klokov
Gypsophila muralis L. var. muralis
Gypsophila muralis var. stepposa (Klokov) Schischk.
Common names: Acker-Gipskraut (German), dirvinė guboja (Lithuanian), Gipskruid (Dutch), Gipsofila minuta (Italian), gipsòfila mural (Catalan), Gipsówka polny (Polish), grusnejlika (Swedish), gypsomilka múrová (Slovak), Gypsophile des murailles (French), ketoraunikki (Finnish), Łyszczec polny (Polish), Mezei fátyolvirág (Hungarian), Mur-Gipsurt (Danish), murslør (Norwegian), mūru ģipsene (Lithuanian), Müür-kipslill (Estonian), Pozidna sadrenka (Slovene), šater zední (Czech), Vălul miresei (Roumanian), zidna sadarka (Croat), Γυψόφιλον το επιτοίχιον (Greek), Гипсорицэ постенная (Moldovian), Диваркәнары чоған (Azerbaijani), качим постенный (Russian), Стенна мишорка (Bulgarian)[Credits]
Maps: distribution
Occurrence: AE(G) Au(A) Be Bu Ct Es Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr He Ho Hs(S) Hu It La Lt Mk Po Rm Sa dSk Sl Su -Tu(A) Tu(E) Uk(K) [Ar Fe aSa]