70000001 The Euro+Med Plantbase Project
Details for: Erigeron sumatrensis
Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
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Name: Erigeron sumatrensis Retz.
Nomencl. ref.: Observ. Bot. 5: 28. 1788
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Regnum - Plantae
     Divisio - Tracheophyta
          Subdivisio - Spermatophytina
               Class - Magnoliopsida
                    Superordo - Asteranae
                         Ordo - Asterales
                              Familia - Compositae Giseke
                                   Tribus - Astereae Cass.
                                        Genus - Erigeron L.
Homotypic synonyms: Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker
Heterotypic synonyms: Conyza albida Spreng.
Conyza flahaultiana Sennen
Conyza naudinii Bonnet
Erigeron albidus (Spreng.) A. Gray
Erigeron naudinii (Bonnet) P. Fourn.
Erigeron crispus subsp. naudinii (Bonnet) Bonnier
Misapplied names: "Conyza floribunda" sec. Duvigneaud, J. (1979) - Catalogue provisoire de la flore des Baléares [ed. 2] - Soc. Échange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Occid. Médit. 17, Suppl.: 1-43.
"Conyza floribunda" sec. Jeanmonod, D. & Burdet, H. M. - Compléments au prodrome de la flore corse. Annexe 3 [Gamisans, J. & Jeanmonod, D.] Genève 1993.
"Conyza floribunda" sec. Gamisans, J. - Catalogue des plantes vasculaires de la Corse Ajaccio 1985.
Common names: Saeppola di Naudin (Italian), Vergerette de Barcelone (French), Vergerette de Naudin (French), Vergerette de Sumatra (French), Vergerette élevée (French), קייצת מלבינה (Israel (Hebrew)), קַיֶּצֶת מַלְבִּינָה (Israel (Hebrew)), أَريغارون نودان (Arabic)[Credits]
Maps: distribution
Occurrence: Rm [AE(G) nAg Al Az(G J M T) ?Az(S) nBe(B) nBl(I M N) nBr nBu Ca(C G H L P T) Cg nCo nCr nCt Ga(C) nGa(F) nGe Gg nGr Hb(E) aHb(N) aHe nHo nHs(A G S) nIJ nIr nIt nJu nLe nLS nLu nMa Md(M) nSa nSi(S) nSl nSn aSu nSy nTn Tu(A E) nUk(K)]